Notification of Incoming Funds: Event-Fees-Deposits
Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT | ABN 21 366 241 150
Twin Rivers Region (TRR)
- Incoming Income
Please Select
Albury District Guides
Batlow District Guides
Cootamundra District Guides
Corowa District Guides
Deniliquin District Guides
Hay District Guides
Kooringal District Guide Hall
North Albury District Guides
Temora District Guides
Tumut District Guides
Turvey Park District Guides
Region Facilities & Accounts
Note: Districts are listing alphabetically, including 'east', 'west', etc...
Type of Incoming Revenue
Please Select
District Activity or Day Trip (230)
District Camp (220)
Multi-District Activity or Day Trip (231)
Multi-District Camp (221)
Deposit/s to Bank for General District Related Fundraising (240)
Deposit/s to Bank for Jamboree/State Event Fundraising (245)
Deposit/s to Bank for Hall Hire (210)
Uniforms, Handbooks & Other Merchandise (250)
Membership Unit and/or Support Group Fees Update (200 / 201)
Other - provide additional details when prompted
Please select the main source of this revenue. NOTE: 'Multi-District' events are organised allowing attendees from various districts within the Region, but not organised by Regional Office (usually organised by 1 or more Districts). Regional-State Activities, Day Trips or Camps coordinated by Region/Guide House will not see income into the District Bank Accounts, however if you have costs associated with these activities (such as Leader-Volunteer costs for attendance to process for payment or reimbursement please send these in via the 'Expense Claim' or 'Unpaid Invoice for Payment' forms.
Name (of person notifying)
First Name
Last Name
Your role within the district. If a Leader - please specify Unit.
Please provide email for any additional queries. Please use your DISTRICT MANAGER EMAIL ADDRESS if you are the DM.
Mobile/Contact Ph
Please provide the best contact number for any queries
Details of District Activities, Trips & Camps
Name of Event/Activity
Please provide name of event. Type "N/A" if not applicable.
Date/s of Event/Activity
Please provide Day, Date, Month and Year, e.g. "Tues 7 June 22" or "Fri 3 June 22 to Tues 7 June 22". Type "N/A" if not applicable.
Venue for Event/Activity
Please provide Location/Venue. Type "N/A" if not applicable.
Start Date of Collections
Pick today's date if collection of revenue is commencing immediately or has already occurred
Final Date for Payment
If there is a final date for payment to attend/pay please select
What is TOTAL Cost, and where is Income to be allocated for each Attendee?
Income Account
Amount per Attendee (as $0.00)
Allocation A
District Activity or Day Trip (230)
District Camp (220)
Hall Maintenance (211)
General District Fundraising (240)
Jamboree/State Event Fundraising (245)
Other* (Include in Additional Information)
Allocation B
District Activity or Day Trip (230)
District Camp (220)
Hall Maintenance (211)
General District Fundraising (240)
Jamboree/State Event Fundraising (245)
Other* (Include in Additional Information)
Allocation C
District Activity or Day Trip (230)
District Camp (220)
Hall Maintenance (211)
General District Fundraising (240)
Jamboree/State Event Fundraising (245)
Other* (Include in Additional Information)
TOTAL Per Attendee (select TOTAL)
District Activity or Day Trip (230)
District Camp (220)
Hall Maintenance (211)
General District Fundraising (240)
Jamboree/State Event Fundraising (245)
Other* (Include in Additional Information)
Are there ANY DISCOUNTS for various Units/Attendees? Please explain (if applic):
e.g. Leaders Children at 20% discount, and name them. This field is mandatory - Please type N/A if not applicable.
Select ALL the Units Invited to Attend this Event/Activity
a. Pre Junior Guides (5-7yrs)
b. Junior Guides (7-10yrs)
c. Guides (10-14yrs)
d. Senior Guides (14-17yrs)
e. Flexible Guides
o. Olaves (18-30yrs)
How is the Income & Costs to be allocated (including any Profits)
All income & costs to a single Unit (specify unit below, if more than one unit invited)
Income to Attendee Unit & costs split evenly across Units by % of Unit Attendees
Income & costs split evenly across Units invited
All income & costs to be allocated to Support Group
Other Split (please specify details below)
Additional Information on Allocation of Incoming Income & Costs
This field is mandatory - Please type N/A if not applicable.
Details of Multi-District Activities, Trips & Camps
Name of Event/Activity
Please provide name of event. Type "N/A" if not applicable
Date/s of Event/Activity
Please provide Day, Date, Month and Year, e.g. "Tues 7 June 22" or "Fri 3 June 22 to Tues 7 June 22". Type "N/A" if not applicable
Please List ALL Districts Invited to Attend
e.g. West Pymble & Gordon Districts. If ALL Districts in the Region are invited, but this event was organised locally (not through Region Office for bookings) then type "ALL DISTRICTS IN NSR"
Venue for Event/Activity
Start Date of Collections
Pick today's date if collection of revenue is commencing immediately or has already occurred
Final Date for Payment
If there is a final date for payment to attend/pay please select
What is TOTAL Cost, and where is Income to be allocated for each Attendee?
Income Account
Amount per Attendee (as $0.00)
Allocation A
Multi-District Activity or Day Trip (231)
Multi-District Camp (221)
Other* (Include in Additional Information)
Allocation B
Multi-District Activity or Day Trip (231)
Multi-District Camp (221)
Other* (Include in Additional Information)
Allocation C
Multi-District Activity or Day Trip (231)
Multi-District Camp (221)
Other* (Include in Additional Information)
TOTAL Per Attendee (select TOTAL)
Multi-District Activity or Day Trip (231)
Multi-District Camp (221)
Other* (Include in Additional Information)
Are there ANY DISCOUNTS for various Districts/Units/Attendees? Please explain (if applic):
e.g. Leaders Children at 20% discount, and name them. This field is mandatory - Please type N/A if not applicable.
Select ALL the Units Invited to Attend this Event/Activity
a. Pre Junior Guides (5-7yrs)
b. Junior Guides (7-10yrs)
c. Guides (10-14yrs)
d. Senior Guides (14-17yrs)
e. Flexible Guides
o. Olaves (18-30yrs)
How is the Income be Allocated (including any Profits)
All income to a single District & Unit
Income to Attendee District & Unit
All income split equally across invited Districts
All income split by % of attendees from Districts
All income to be allocated to District Support Groups
Other Split (please specify details below)
Additional Notes on Income Allocation? Please be specific:
e.g. "This event includes 2 districts but all revenue will remain with Normanhurst Junior Guides." OR "Revenue will remain with the District and Unit of which the attendee is a Member." This field is mandatory - please type N/A if not applicable.
How are Costs to be Allocated
All costs to a single District/Unit
All costs split equally across invited Districts
All costs split by % of attendees from Districts
All costs to be allocated to District Support Groups
Other Split (please specify details below)
How will costs for this event/activity be recorded? Please be specific:
e.g. "This event includes 4 districts but all costs will remain with West Pymble ." OR "Costs will be born by X-District and then partial invoices sent to other Districts for reimbursement once finalised." This field is mandatory - please type N/A if not applicable.
Details of Deposits for Fundraising, Hall Hire & Merchandise
Incoming Funds to be Allocated to
General District/Unit Fundraising
Jamboree/State Event Fundraising
Hall Hire (and Hall Hire Bond where required)
Uniforms, Badges, Handbooks & Other Merchandise or Sales
Expected Date of Deposit/s
Please provide Day, Date, Month and Year, e.g. "Tues 7 June 22" or "Fri 3 June 22 to Tues 7 June 22".
Incoming Cycle
Single Deposit to Bank
Multiple Deposits by Multiple Members
Single Deposit Amount
Total of Single Deposit
Amount of per Item OR per Member
Please be specific e.g. "New Sash $17 per Member", "$40 per Handbook Pack & $10 per Badge"
Have you advised Members to use a Reference on their Deposit? If so, what?
e.g. "139c-Smith-Sash"
Any Additional Information regarding this/these Deposits?
This field is mandatory - please type N/A if not applicable.
Membership Unit and/or Support Group Fees Update
Membership Unit and/or Support Group Fees Incoming
Have been issued by the District (not Finance) in Process of Transition
Same as previous cycle, but will be the first issued by Finance Transition Team
Same as previous issued by Finance Team; Approval to Send Next Period
Advising of new Unit and/or Support Group rates for existing Transitioned District
Youth Invoicing Cycle, by
Fee Allocations Per Youth Member (for Cycle Selected Above)
Amount $
Unit Fee per Member
Support Group Fee per Member
TOTAL Per Member
Are there ANY DISCOUNTS for Youth Members? Please explain (if applic):
e.g. "Leaders Children at 20% discount", "No support fee for Leaders Children" and name the children. If no discounts type "N/A". This field is mandatory - please type N/A or Nil if not applicable.
What is the next cycle to be received (incoming) or invoiced by finance?
Be specific: "Issue Term 3, 2022, at this new rate." / "The incoming revenue is for Semester 2, 2022"
Other Incoming Funds
Expected Date of Deposit/s
Please provide Day, Date, Month and Year, e.g. "Tues 7 June 22" or "Fri 3 June 22 to Tues 7 June 22".
Incoming Cycle
Single Deposit to Bank
Multiple Deposits by Multiple Members
Deposit Amount/s
TOTAL deposit if a SINGLE deposit, Amount PER deposit for Multiple.
Please provide as much information at possible regarding the incoming income and how you wish it to be allocated.
Be specific, we may need to contact you for additional information.
Supporting Information & Submit Form
If applicable, please upload any supporting documents, agreements, receipts or invoices.
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