We're here to help you with administration and finances so that you can get back to the work of changing the world, one Girl Guide at a time.
Remember - your accounts are STILL yours, and yours to use, direct and budget. We're simply doing the leg work so we need access to do that.
You will receive monthly reports, but don't forget you can ask anytime for information on your account balance, who's paid and who hasn't, followup on events and request other information. Just email your Region team on TRRFinance@girlguides-nswactnt.org.au for help, and TRRBookkeeping@girlguides-nswactnt.org.au during and after transition for anything you need answers too.
Your website is your resource. Bookmark https://www.ggatwinriversregion.org/ in your web browser now.
If you have not downloaded a copy of the form Instructions, Bank Register Form or Hall Hire and Facilities Schedule from the website (Finance Transformation Project page, in the yellow section), please do so now. We recommend all instructions are followed PRIOR to commencing this form.
Commence the form by clicking on the blue 'Next' button below.