When you need a dumpster, Beaverton requires you to use the city-assigned hauler, who can charge you sometimes hundreds of dollars more for disposal than market rates, and you will receive a recycling rate between 16% to 30% on your material. Cheaper disposal costs and recycling rates of over 50% are available in the marketplace if Beaverton will allow choice.
You have the right to save money on your disposal costs, you have the right to choose your hauler and service level, and you have the right to demand that over 50% of your material is recycled.
Thunderbird Drop Box, an established, local, minority-owned company wants to bring regulated competition and choice to the Beaverton roll-off dumpster market, so that you can exercise your rights of choice and have your material recycled. If you need further information, please call (503) 928-4548. We look forward to serving you.
Sign this petition to lower garbage rates and increase recycling.