Alcoholics Anonymous is listed in the white pages nationwide with local phone numbers. Call the Greater Pittsburgh Area AA Central Office (412)471-7472 for a listing of local meetings in your area. Narcotics Anonymous are also listed in the white pages nationwide with local phone numbers. Call (412)391-5247 or toll free (888) 251-2426 for local meeting in your area.
If you feel that you have any issues that were not addressed during treatment at JADE, we recommend that you seek out the appropriate services in order for you to receive the help needed to maintain positive growth. The following contacts may be useful:
1. Domestic Violence - 412-687-8005
2. Child Abuse - 800-932-0313
3. Women's Shelter - 412-687-8017
4. County Human Services - 412-350-3837
5. Mental Health Referral Service - 800-843-7274
6. Turtle Creek Valley MH/MR - 412-531-0222
7. Allegheny County Drug and Alcohol Program - 412-350-6956
8. Westmoreland County Drug and Alcohol Commission - 724-684-9000