Architectural & Landscape Change Application - Suncrest Village HOA
Home Owner Name(s)
Street Address
Proposed Start Date:
Expected Completion Date:
Type of Request:
Architectural Change or Addition(Guidelines Pg.13)
Exterior Paint Change(Guidelines Pg.15)
Fence Installation(Guidelines Pg.15)
Landscape Change or Addition
Shed(Guidelines Pg.16)
In accordance with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for this community, this application is hereby submitted for review of the following proposed changes:
Please attach all documents and samples plus any visual aids which will be needed to process your application.
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Code Compliance Term Agreement: It is hereby understood and agreed that the pending approval of this application by the Architectural Committee will not constitute compliance with applicable North Carolina law or any City of Raleigh or Wake County Ordinances. All permits must be applied for and posted as required and work should be completed as approved. By checking the box below and submitting this application you agree that you have read the community documents and will comply with all requirements set forth in those documents. You agree to wait for approval from the HOA Committee prior to commencing any phase of this proposed project unless the HOA Committee has failed to respond with in 30 days of submitting a completed application.
Yes, I agree.
Submission without a Plat Map/Survey: I hereby certify that my mortgage company did not require asurvey. In lieu of a recorded plat map, I certify that the attached rendering is true, complete, and correctlydrawn to scale to the best of my knowledge. As lot Owner, I accept liability for any inaccuracies that may beproven in the future and release the Association, Management and its Agents from any responsibility.Disclaimer: The Association reviews applications primarily based upon aesthetic qualities and to a lesser degree,basic construction practices. Owners (and their contractors) are responsible for determining and ensuring that allapplicable municipalities, county and state requirements are met and all necessary permits, variances, etc. areobtained. Should the requirements set forth by the municipality, county and state be more stringent/restrictive thanthose established by the Association, the more stringent/restrictive requirements prevail.
Yes, I agree.
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Status of Application
Please Select
Approved as Submitted
Partially Approved
Conditional Approval
Denied as Submitted
Incomplete - Contacting Owner
Pending Home Owner Requirements
Under Review
Withdrawn by Homeowner (cancelled request)
Home Owner Requirements for a Completed Application
Date Final Decision Communicated to Home Owner
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Final Decision Letter
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