Ashley Downs
Citation Report
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1000 Ashley Downs Drive
1000 Country Glen Court
1000 Golden Ridge Court
1000 Grassview Court
1000 Pepper Bush Court
1000 Red Deer Court
1000 Wild Sonnet Court
1001 Antler Court
1001 Burnt Hickory Court
1001 Country Glen Court
1001 Double Spring Court
1001 Golden Ridge Court
1001 Grassview Court
1001 Red Deer Court
1001 Tribble Gate Court
1001 Wild Sonnet Court
1002 Antler Court
1002 Ashley Downs Drive
1002 Burnt Hickory Court
1002 Chickering Court
1002 Golden Ridge Court
1002 Grassview Court
1002 Pepper Bush Court
1002 Red Deer Court
1002 Tribble Gate Court
1002 Twelve Oaks Lane
1003 Antler Court
1003 Burnt Hickory Court
1003 Chickering Court
1003 Country Glen Court
1003 Double Spring Court
1003 Golden Ridge Court
1003 Pepper Bush Court
1003 Tribble Gate Court
1003 Wild Sonnet Court
1004 Antler Court
1004 Burnt Hickory Court
1004 Chickering Court
1004 Double Spring Court
1004 Golden Ridge Court
1004 Pepper Bush Court
1004 Tribble Gate Court
1004 Wild Sonnet Court
1005 Antler Court
1005 Burnt Hickory Court
1005 Chickering Court
1005 Country Glen Court
1005 Double Spring Court
1005 Pepper Bush Court
1005 Wild Sonnet Court
1006 Antler Court
1006 Chickering Court
1006 Double Spring Court
1006 Pepper Bush Court
1007 Antler Court
1007 Country Glen Court
1007 Double Spring Court
1008 Antler Court
1008 Country Glen Court
1008 Double Spring Court
1009 Country Glen Court
1201 Twelve Oaks Lane
1203 Twelve Oaks Lane
1204 Twelve Oaks Lane
1206 Twelve Oaks Lane
1207 Twelve Oaks Lane
1208 Twelve Oaks Lane
1210 Twelve Oaks Lane
1211 Twelve Oaks Lane
1212 Twelve Oaks Lane
1214 Twelve Oaks Lane
1215 Twelve Oaks Lane
1216 Twelve Oaks Lane
1217 Twelve Oaks Lane
1218 Twelve Oaks Lane
1219 Twelve Oaks Lane
1220 Twelve Oaks Lane
1301 Ashley Downs Drive
1302 Ashley Downs Drive
1401 Ashley Downs Drive
1404 Ashley Downs Drive
1502 Ashley Downs Drive
1503 Ashley Downs Drive
1504 Ashley Downs Drive
1505 Ashley Downs Drive
1506 Ashley Downs Drive
1507 Ashley Downs Drive
1509 Ashley Downs Drive
1610 Ashley Downs Drive
1611 Ashley Downs Drive
1612 Ashley Downs Drive
1613 Ashley Downs Drive
1614 Ashley Downs Drive
1615 Ashley Downs Drive
1616 Ashley Downs Drive
1617 Ashley Downs Drive
1619 Ashley Downs Drive
1620 Ashley Downs Drive
1621 Ashley Downs Drive
1700 Ashbark Court
1700 Ashley Downs Drive
1701 Ashbark Court
1701 Ashley Downs Drive
1702 Ashbark Court
1703 Ashbark Court
1703 Ashley Downs Drive
1704 Ashbark Court
1704 Ashley Downs Drive
1705 Ashbark Court
1705 Ashley Downs Drive
1706 Ashbark Court
1707 Ashley Downs Drive
1708 Ashley Downs Drive
1709 Ashley Downs Drive
1711 Ashley Downs Drive
1712 Ashley Downs Drive
1713 Ashley Downs Drive
1714 Ashley Downs Drive
1715 Ashley Downs Drive
1716 Ashley Downs Drive
1717 Ashley Downs Drive
1719 Ashley Downs Drive
1720 Ashley Downs Drive
1721 Ashley Downs Drive
1722 Ashley Downs Drive
2001 Red Deer Court
2003 Red Deer Court
2004 Red Deer Court
2005 Red Deer Court
2006 Red Deer Court
2007 Red Deer Court
2008 Red Deer Court
Select all that apply:
Exterior Maintenance
Exterior Power Washing
Garbage Containers
Gutter Cleaning
Inoperable Vehicles
Nuisance in the Community
Mailbox Painting and / or Repairs
Parking / Storage of Prohibited Devices
Street Parking
Unapproved Exterior Change
Yard Maintenance
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Covenant / Handbook Reference(s): Select all that apply:
Exterior Maintenance- Guideline & Standards- Page 6: Maintenance of exterior includes routine power washing of siding, porch, deck, windows ,and trim in order to remove dirt, mold, and mildew. Covenant Article VI: Each Owner shall be responsible for the exterior maintenance of his or her dwelling and Lot, as follows: painting, replacement and care of roofs, gutters, downspouts, exterior building surfaces, lawn, trees, shrubs, driveways, walks and other exterior improvements.
Garbage Container- Guideline & Standards- Page 10: Garbage cans and recycling bins shall not be placed at the curb in excess of 1 day prior to normally scheduled trash pickup. Removal: Garbage cans and bins must be removed within 1 day of trash pickup. Placement: Garbage cans and recycling bins must be stowed so that they are not visible from the front of the property.
Mailbox Painting and Repairs- Guideline & Standards- Page 11: No changes shall be made to the mailbox or mailbox post without obtaining prior written approval from the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). All new mailboxes or replacements shall conform to the mailbox style approved for the community and also meet US postal regulations. No approval is necessary for general maintenance and repair If you want to replace the Yellow/Green mailbox, please contact ASI Signage at 919-362-9669. If you need to repaint the mailbox post, the exact paint color is Porter paint-PPG6177 Desert Marigold.Planting around the base of a mailbox is allowed, provided that the guidelines for landscaping are followed.
Nuisance- Covenant- Article VI, Section 3: No noxious or offensive activity shall be conducted upon any Lot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No Lot or other area within Ashley Downs shall be used as a dumping ground for rubbish or as a site for the accumulation of unsightly materials of any kind, including, without limitation, broken or rusty equipment and discarded appliances and furniture. If a clothesline is placed on any Lot, it shall be an umbrella type clothesline and it shall be so screened that it is not visible from any adjacent Lot or street.
Parking/ Storage of Prohibited Devices -Guideline & Standards -Page 4: City ordinance states that no vehicle may be parked within 15 feet of any driveway or stop sign.The association may regulate the parking of all recreational vehicles such as campers, boats, trailers, motorcycles, and ATVs.We ask that no vehicle be parked in the street, except in the case of overnight guests. This is for safety reasons, as children can run out from behind parked cars.
Parking and Inoperable vehicles- Article VI, Section 4: No boat, marine craft, hovercraft, aircraft, trailer, camper, truck greater than one ton in size or motorized van used for commercial purposes {as distinguished from a van used as a passenger car) shall be parked within the right of way of any public or private street adjacent to any Lot or on any Lot, except that any of the above may be parked completely inside a garage, or in the sole discretion of the Architectural Control Committee, on a Lot in a location otherwise sufficiently screened from any adjacent Lot or street. This restriction shall not apply to any vehicle, machinery or equipment temporarily parked and in use for the construction, maintenance or repair of a residence in the immediate vicinity of the parking area. No vehicles or similar equipment shall be parked or stored in an area visible from any street except passenger automobiles, passenger vans, motorcycles, and pick-uptrucks that are in operable condition and have current license plates and inspection stickers. No inoperative motor vehicle may be parked or stored on any Lot or any public or private street or other area within Ashley Downs for a period in excess of 48 hours.
Unapproved Exterior Change- Guideline & Standards- Page 8: All external changes to homes must have written approval before the project is to begin. No improvements, alteration, repair, change in paint color, excavation, change in grade, planting, landscaping or other work which in any way alters the exterior of any Lot or the improvements located thereon from their natural or improved state existing on the date such Lot was first conveyed in fee by the Declarant to an Owner other than Declarant shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon any Lot and no building, fence wall, residence or other structure shall be commenced, erected, maintained, improved, altered or removed, until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing.
Yard Maintenance- Guideline & Standards - Page 7: Grass should be cut regularly. Grass should be edged so that it does not grow onto sidewalks, driveways, and curbs. Flower beds should be weed free and mulched routinely.
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