Our products come with the default settings listed below.
Changes could be made easily by leaving your requests in the Additional Info box at the end of the form or calling our office Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm (WA time).
Fall detection: On
Enables the device to detect user's falls by utilising the built-in accelerometer.
Whitelisting: On
Only allows emergency contacts to call into the pendant and blocks all unknown numbers.
Auto Answer: On
Enables incoming phone calls to connect automatically.
Power Off SMS: On¹
Informs emergency contacts when the alarm is powered off.
Low Battery SMS: Off¹
Informs the first emergency contact that the battery is below 20%.
¹: Not available on Professionally Monitored orders
MediFone Only:
GPS Strength: Strong
It enables the device to have the most accurate location of the user at the cost of a slightly shorter battery life.
If you'd like to allow the MediFone to have longer battery life, let us know and we can decrease the GPS strength setting.
Disclaimer: Due to the varied nature of falls, some falls may not be registered by Fall Detection. We can adjust the fall sensitivity if necessary, however, in the event of a fall, the user is encouraged to press the SOS button if conscious.