Join us for the Mardi Gras Parade 2025 on Saturday, March 1st! Families, schools, local businesses and more are all welcome to come out and let the good times ROLL!
Event Fees:
$25 for organizations, commercial/non-commercial businesses, large & small walking groups
COMPLETELY FREE - $0 for school groups, non-profits, and government agencies
All entry fees will be invoiced via Square upon the approval of your application. Checks also accepted and can be made payable to HarborWalk Village.
Parade Categories:
- Commercial Entry: All businesses entries including floats, walking, and vehicles
- Non-Commercial Entry: All groups, families, community organizations, and clubs. May include both riders and walkers.
- Large Walking Group: Walking groups with 20 or more participants without vehicles.
- Small Walking Group: Walking groups with 1-19 participants without vehicles.
- Government Entries: All government and military base entries.
- Animal Entries: Animal groups including clubs, pets, etc. without vehicles.
Timeline Overview:
Parade Check In l 1:00PM
Last Call Motorized Vehicle Check In l 2:00PM
Last Call Walking Group Check In l 3:15PM
Parade Rolls l 4:00PM