To understand “the Preseason,” you have to first understand the other three seasons. Most professional players are preparing for a 6-9 month season separated into four very distinct quarters… “The regular season, which is primarily defined as developing chemistry and defining your role within your system (internal). And “Playoffs (postseason),” which can be summarized by learning and exploiting opponents for the sole purpose of victory (external). After a hard fought battle, it is important to rest the body. This is what we call “the offseason,” where we focus on building our individual skill and IQ of the game, while giving our bodies time to heal. Finally, before the season begins, we must harden our bodies through strength and conditioning, and increase our efficiency through processing and repetition… This is called “THE PRESEASON.”
- MANDATORY Weekly training sessions with training sessions with assigned trainer
- MANDATORY Open runs:
GIRLS JV & Varsity: Every Thursday, 7:30pm - 9pm
BOYS JV & Varsity: Every Saturday, 9:30am - 11:00am
BOYS YOUTH (Grades 6-8): Every Saturday, 8:00am - 9:30am
- OPTIONAL Conditioning and weight training:
HIGH SCHOOL ONLY: Every Saturday, 8:00am - 9:00am