Understanding of Risks and Procedure:
I have voluntarily elected to undergo this appointment after the nature and purpose has been explained to me, along with the risks and hazards involved by Hoosier Jewelry. Avoid if possible, exposure of jewelry to chemicals, household cleaning products, chlorine, swimming pools, or hot tubs. These different chemicals, can harm,discolor or affect the integrity of materials over time.
Consent and Release:
I voluntarily and willingly consent to the permanent jewelry procedure and assume any risks associated with it. By signing this form, I release Hoosier Jewelry, its practitioners, employees, and affiliates from any liability for complications, injuries, or damages resulting from the procedure. I agree to provide accurate and complete information about your health history, including anymedical conditions, allergies, or medications that may affect your ability to undergo the weldingprocess. I also acknowledge that any injury or harm that results from the welding process is solely my responsibility.
Age Verification:
I confirm that I am at least 18 years of age, or if I am a minor, I have obtained the consent of my parent or legal guardian for this procedure.