Principles of Integrity
(Updated 2013)
Members of the Irish Setter Club of America, Inc. agree to abide by the Constitutional objectives of the Club. Among these are provisions to protect and advance the interests of the breed, and to do all that is possible to bring the natural qualities of the Irish Setter to perfection.
To further these objectives all members agree to follow these Principles of Integrity:
1) Comply with all American Kennel Club rules and regulations.
2) Maintain a high standard of health, care and cleanliness for our dogs and dogs entrusted to our care.
3) Act in a sportsmanlike manner and not deliberately degrade other exhibitors/breeders or their dogs.
4) Make every effort to learn about the structure, anatomy, action, behavior and other inheritable traits of the Irish Setter. To use this information to adhere to the breed standard and produce sound, healthy dogs with good temperament.
5) To use or give service only to registered stock that is believed to be free of serious abnormalities which are considered inheritable.
6) To provide a written contract/agreement, signed by both parties, for each sale or service which includes all special conditions related to the sale or service at the time of the transaction.
7) Provide each buyer with accurate written records regarding health and pedigree for the Irish Setter being purchased, leased, or used at stud at the time of the transaction, or when services are provided.
8) Truthfully and realistically represent the Irish Setter being sold in terms of quality, health and genetic history.
9) Refuse to sell to commercial wholesalers, retailers or to research laboratories.
10) When selling an Irish Setter known to manifest hereditary defects considered to be detrimental to the breed, use written contracts or spay/neuter agreements to prevent the dog from being bred.
11) Must agree that if any Irish Setter, on whose papers you are shown as the breeder or co-breeder, should become a part of any breed rescue program, that upon written notification, you will assume financial responsibility for those expenses and assist the Rescue Chair in placing in a suitable home, or assume custody of said Irish Setter.
Failure to adhere to these Principles of Integrity may result in disciplinary action included, but not limited to, suspension of membership and/or other privileges.