Theme - Bollywood movies and Antakshari Music etc
Competition Timings - 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Submission Deadline - Midnight of Saturday, January 18, 2025
Rules and Regulations -
- Category - No Category, Participants can team up (2-3 players) or play individually.
- Winner - There will be only one winner per game session.
- The game will have to be played on another device/phone different from the Zoom conference where the questions would be displayed.
- The contestant would login to Kahoot.IN and enter the PIN provided at the start, or the Kahoot App.
- Each question will have multiple choice questions, and only “one” answer will be correct. If there are multiple correct answers, it will be indicated in the question itself.
- There will be an audio/video round that will be played outside of Kahoot due to the limited capabilities in Kahoot.
- Kahoot will score points based on correctness, speed, and your answer streak.
- Each question has 15 seconds to answer. If you answer correctly faster than everyone else, you will get the most points. A wrong answer or no answer is 0 points. Players can always attempt to answer the question instead of skipping the question. You never know if you got lucky guessing the answer. So, answer each question.
- Audio Video questions will be played and scored separately.
- Players should have active IAGB membership. Link to become a member - IAGB Membership
All competition winners will be announced at the beginning of the cultural program at 3 pm.