Getting To Know You Questionnaire
This questionnaire allows us to get a better idea of your current situation. If we're not a good fit, we can provide recommendations. Upon completion you'll be routed to the calendar to schedule a call (disregard if you have already scheduled a call). All responses are kept confidential. This form is secure-256-bit SSL Encryption. Thank you in advance.
Individual #1 Name (Full Legal Name)
Individual #1 Employer/Profession
Individual #1 Job Title
Marital Status
Individual #1 Date of Birth
Individual #1 Phone Number(s)
Individual #1 Home Address
Individual #1 Work Address
Individual #1- Trusted Contact Information (Name, number, email and relationship)
Individual #2 Name (Full Legal Name)
Individual #2 Email Address(s)
Individual #2 Employer/Profession
Individual #2 Job Title
Individual #2 Date of Birth
Individual #2 Phone Number(s)
Individual #2 Home Address
Individual #2 Work Address
Please list your dependents
What are some of your current financial goals?
What are the biggest challenges you have with your finances right now?
Imagine it is three years from now and we are having our annual review. What will have happened between now and then for you to feel satisfied with our progress?
Are there any transitions you are currently experience or likely to experience in the future? Ex: Work/career, financial, retirement, giving, leisure, vacation, education, making a big purchase, debt concerns, etc. If so, please describe the ones you are excited about or are concerned with.
Does anyone else need to be in this meeting for you to make a decision about moving forward?
If you answered yes to the question above, who?
Individual #1 Annual Base Salary Or Estimated Annual Wages
Individual #1 What is your credit score?
Individual #2 Annual Base Salary Or Estimated Annual Wages
Individual #2 What is your credit score?
Other Annual or Future Income
How much do you currently have in savings?
How much debt do you have?
How much do you have in retirement accounts?
If you have any other investments, list them here:
How did you learn about Inclinevest?
Should be Empty: