Apply for a Gather Grant
Please complete the form below to apply for a $120 Gather Grant. We’ll notify you within 10 business days about the status of your application. Please email with any questions.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
I am
Cell Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Which of these statements, if any, apply to you? Please select all that apply.
I consider myself to be active in the Greater Portland Jewish Community.
I consider myself to lead an active Jewish life.
I would like to become more active in the Portland Jewish Community.
I find it difficult to participate in the Portland Jewish Community.
I feel welcome in the Portland Jewish Community.
I belong to a local synagogue.
My children receive(d) PJ LIbrary books.
I am raising Jewish child(ren) under the age of 13.
I am raising Jewish child(ren) between the ages of 13-18.
I attended Jewish summer camp (day or overnight).
My child(ren) attend(ed) Jewish summer camp (day or overnight).
I belong to the Mittleman Jewish Community Center.
I have lived in the Portland Metro area for 5 years or less
I'm a native Portlander
I have traveled to Israel.
I am part of a multifaith/interfaith family.
None of the above
What neighborhood best describes where you live?
NE Portland
NW Portland
N Portland
SE Portland
SW Portland
Clark County (Vancouver)
Washington County Suburbs (Tigard, Beaverton, Hillsboro, etc.)
Clackamas County (Lake Oswego, West Linn, Wilsonville, etc.)
East County
Tell us a little about yourself and/or your household.
What type of event do you plan to host?
Shabbat event
Jewish holiday event other than Shabbat
Meaningful Jewish event I design
Informal Social Gathering
Outdoor activities
Tell us about the program you want to plan with your Gather Grant. Details may include food, activities, invitees, location, etc.
When will your Gather Grant event take place?
Approximately how many individuals, including you, will participate in your program? Gather Grant events should include at least 2 other families or 6 people outside your household. Please indicate with a number.
How did you hear about the Gather Grants program? Please select all that apply.
A friend/family member hosted a Gather Grant event and told me about it
I attended a GG event as a guest
I read about the GG program in an email I received from a Jewish organization
A friend/acquaintance posted about a GG event on social media
I received a mailing about the program
Is there anything else you would like us to know as we consider your application?
Should be Empty: