Greetings! If you have reached this point, this means you are serious about getting your website up and running! I have updated policies and procedures
- I will not begin on your site until I have ALL information needed to complete your site.
- There is no longer a payment plan option, I recommend that you save until you have your total amount of fees.
Here's the process:
1. Complete the form
2. I will schedule a call with you after the form is filled out entirely
3. After the call be prepared to pay your invoice in full
4. You will then send over content. {Creating a dropbox, messenger on facebook or email is fine}. You will also receive a Google Doc file for me to collect info.
5. Once your site is done, I will schedule a 60 minute screen share Zoom appt with you to show you how to navigate the most important portions of your Back Office/Dashboard.
6. Once the meeting is over you will receive an email asking you to accept the transfer of the site, at that time it will require you to create a log in for WIX.COM and it will also have you attach a debit card for your monthly web hosting fees. It will NOT transfer the legal rights of the site over if you do not do both.
Below, you will find questions pertaining to your business: PLEASE FILL IT OUT ENTIRELY IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT PROCEEDING. I will be asking for passwords for you GMAIL account and your PayPal Business account if that is the method you'd prefer to use. I need these in order to sync them to your website and connect your business to be found on Google.
Please be prepared to work!!!!! It's not just a project on my end but yours as well. You will need to gather or create information about your company: high resolution photos, mission statements, about us/me paragraph(s), tag lines or quotes, products or services, pricing, description of products or services, policies, etc.