Read the Below descriptions to see the different ways you can help with the Giveaway!
1. Donations of trees gifts or financial help: Several donations are needed to make the Giveaway possible! We are asking for donations of trees to decorate the giveaway and giveaway to families as a blessing. We are also looking for physical gifts and financial donations. Check this and someone will reach out to you on how you can give! No donations will be taken on this form.
2. Elf Parties: From the end of Oct up until right before the Giveaway, we have Elf Parties which are groups of people who come to help organize donations and put gifts together for our families! For this option, you will choose a date and time that best works for your group to come and do this together! It's a fun way to gather, serve, and experience the joy of the season!
3. Day of Giveaway Help: Be a part of the fun on the Giveaway day! We need help with giving out hot cocoa, checking in families, ministry teams, and gathering gifts, and bringing them out to the cars! Let us know if you're interested in helping and we will reach out to you to determine what spot would best fit you/your team!