Welcome, Superstar!
Enthusiasm Academy is a 12-month mastermind experience for successful entrepreneurs and leaders who want to establish their brand, center around mission, plan for a SUPERSTAR year, multiply their influence, grow their teams, scale their offerings and business and learn how to optimize that business to their Zone of Genius.
The experience:
- One 1.5-hour group coaching call per month with Coach Keren
- One monthly 1 hour group training call with a special guest expert per month: Literary & Speaking Agents, Podcast specialists, HR Specialists, Virtual Assistants, Publicists, Nutrition and Longevity Specialists, Wealth Managers/ Finance Coaches and Operations Specialists
- One monthly 1 hour Coach Led Cohort COMMUNITY Call (“Talk Among Yourselves,”) to strengthen your bond and teamwork with the cohort
- One annual mastermind retreat per year that includes intense networking, learning and fun activities (they pay for airfare and accommodations only).
- 2 private 60-minute coaching sessions with Keren for goal setting and business planning
- Access to a mastermind / THE COMMUNITY – via sessions, the retreat and private SLACK Channel
- Access to the Coach Keren member site with all virtual modules, courses and resources at your service
The value of this program is well over $150,000 in coaching and materials. If you add the connections and the contacts you will meet, it’s easily four times that.
You ready? Let's go. This should take you 5 minutes.