I (we) agree to abide by all rules and regulations as set forth by the ABRA and the arena personnel. Any violation of posted rules may result in my disqualification. I (we), including minor children, understand we ride and participate in this event at our own risk as to any aspect of this event and understand ABRA is not in the care, custody or control of any animal, participant, piece of equipment or portion of the arena or competition site. **PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MINOR CHILDREN**. I hereby certify I understand this agreement and have read the ABRA RULEBOOK and explained it to all members listed above and all family members. I (we) understand I am responsible for any damages to ourselvs, our animals, our equipment or damage we may cause others as a result of our participation in this association or event. (Rules available on our website or you can request a printed copy.) All hereby irrevocably grants full permission for ABRA or others affiliated with and authorized by ABRA, to use and publish any photographs, video tapes, or movies taken at any of our events, even if such use and publication is for commercial or promotional purposes.
If any changes need to be made, please message us on Facebook, email info@laabra.com or call (337) 288-5374.