Prior to enrolling in any degree program, you must submit a Tuition Assistance Pre-approval form to your Supervisor who will submit it to the Executive Director. The Executive Director will review the degree or program you intend to pursue. If your request is approved, you will receive notification from the Executive Director. Please attach a copy of your program curriculum to this form upon submission for approval. Failure to provide the curriculum will result in your request being denied.
To be eligible for Tuition Assistance, you must meet all of the following criteria: 1) be a regular, full time employee, 2) must be employed at time of reimbursement, 3) course or curriculum must be from an accredited college or university, 4) course or curriculum must be relevant to LASER business and the employee’s job responsibilities, (5) employee must achieve a B average grade for the course or a ‘pass/certification’ for non-graded classes for 100% reimbursement and a C average grade for 75% reimbursement.
This policy applies to all employees of LASER Childcare who meet the eligibility requirements for tuition reimbursement.
The purpose of this policy is to encourage employees to enhance their career development through higher education and acquiring applicable technical skills in order to improve their potential for future growth and movement within LASER.
LASER provides a tuition reimbursement program that offers financial assistance to employees who take educational course to improve their present job skills or to enhance their potential for promotion.
I) Eligibility Requirements
A) Employees must be Full Time and work 40 hours per week.
B) Employees must still be employed at time of the reimbursement.
II) Qualifying Programs
A) Programs eligible for reimbursement are those that are degree-related: G.E.D., Bachelor's, or Graduate; or those necessary for professional certification.
B) Courses must be related to LASER business and the employee's job responsibilities and approved by the Executive Director. Initial approval of a course of study does not obligate LASER to future/continued approval of courses in that course of study. Approvals are only valid for the course and term/semester given. Courses and exams must be taken outside of the employee's normal work schedule.
C) Employee must achieve a B average grade to receive the 100% of the cost and a C average grade to receive 75% of the cost.
III) Annual Reimbursement
A) LASER will provide up to 100% reimbursement for tuition, registration, books, lab, and required fees, up to a maximum of $2500 in a fiscal year, for full time employees. 50% will be reimbursed before classes begin and 50% will be reimbursed after the class/es have been completed with a B average grade. If the employee receives a C average grade, they will get reimbursed for 25% of the second half of the cost.
B) If the full amount of the tuition reimbursement allotment is not used, it does not carry over to the next year. The remaining amount becomes forfeited.
C) Tuition reimbursement is contingent on the available budget which may vary from year to year.
IV) Reimbursement Agreement
A) By signing and submitting the Tuition Reimbursement Pre-Approval Form, the employee accepts and agrees to the term of the Tuition Reimbursement policy.
B) Employees who receive reimbursement for tuition expenses agree to remain with LASER for one year from the date of reimbursement.
C) If the employee voluntarily terminates employment within one year from the date of reimbursement, the employee must pay back the reimbursement, on a pro-rated basis. This amount may be withheld from the employee's final paycheck (in compliance with all applicable laws).
Example: If the employee receives $2500.00 reimbursement in June, then decides to terminate in November, he or she will owe the organization seven (7) months of the $2500.00 reimbursement. The employee will have worked five (5) months since June by the time he or she terminates in November, leaving seven months to complete one year. Twelve (12) months divided by $2500. = $20.33 times seven months = $1458.33 owed to the company.
I) To participate, the employee must submit a request by filling out the Tuition Reimbursement Pre- Approval Form and submitting it to the head of his/her department.
II) Request for reimbursement for the undergraduate or graduate degrees should include a description of the course of study, the number and duration of courses planned, the number of courses per term/semester, and the anticipated tuition per term/semester.
III) Once approved by the Executive Director, the Executive Director will notify the employee if his/her request is approved. Expenses incurred prior to receiving approval may or may not be eligible for reimbursement, the decision will be made by the Executive Director.
IV) Upon successful completion of the course, the employee must provide a transcript or certificate of completion along with his/her receipts to LASER’s Executive Director.