Training terms and conditions: By checking below and by submitting this form I agree to the following terms and conditions regarding the training:
I understand that Laura Nance may take pictures or video of the training that include me. I understand that these pictures or video may be used online or in print by Laura Nance or her businesses for promotional purposes.
I understand that quotes from my training evaluation may be used online or in print by Laura Nance or her businesses for promotional purposes.
I understand that I may not record (audio or visual) the training workshop. I may photograph the PowerPoint slides for my use only, and will not post or share any such photographs. I may not post or share any other intellectual property belonging to Laura Nance, Laura Nance Education and Coaching, LLC or Prepare to Push (tm).
I understand that I may take photographs during the training only with the express consent of Laura Nance the other participants in the workshop.
I understand that I may not post any of the photographs on social media or email them without the express permission of Laura Nance and the other participants in the workshop.
I understand that none of the photographs may be used for advertising purposes nor sold or distributed to any other party.
I understand I may not reproduce, publish or distribute any of the training materials.