Lifeline Recovery Center recognizes all those making legacy estate-planning provisions for it or any of its programs as members of its Legacy Society.
Please complete:
I/we conservatively estimate the current value of my/our provision to be approximately$amount*. Lifeline Recovery Center recognizes that values are subject to change and dependent upon unforeseen circumstances. This information will be used only to help Lifeline project potential future financial support. This Letter of Intent is not considered to be a legally binding obligation or promise of any future donation to Lifeline and Lifeline recognizes such provision may be subject to revocation or modification at any time.
I/we would like my/our provision to be allocated as follows:
Area of Greatest Need Conservative value for “Area of Greatest Need” $
Area of Greatest Need Conservative value for “Men's Program” $
Area of Greatest Need Conservative value for “Women's Program” $
I/we worked with the following advisor to establish the gift:
Thank you for leaving a legacy!