Placenta encapsulation is the process of possible steaming, dehydrating and encapsulating the powdered placenta into pill form for the mother to decide its use. Tinctures are made from a small amount of dehydrated placenta in alcohol, and to be used how the client sees fit.
I am an APPA trained & certified Placenta Arts Specialist, however, I am not a licensed medical professional and I am unable to diagnose, treat or prescribe for any health condition. Services and fees are for the preparation/encapsulation of your placenta, not for the sale of the pills/tinctures. No specific benefits, effects or cures are promised. It is your responsibility to determine whether using placenta preparations may be right for you.
If under any conditions you placenta has been tampered with prior to my dealing with, you must inform me. If your medical team suggests testing your placenta, please ask them to take a small amount, so that you can still receive benefit from your placenta. Please also let your medical team that you do not wish for any chemicals to be placed on your placenta.
It is up to yourself (the client) to inform me as soon as possible after placenta delivery to ensure arrangements of pick/drop off are clear. It is your responsibility to make sure your placenta is labeled properly and if in hospital is stored correctly. Please contact me for further guidelines regarding this. It is your responsibility to discuss with your midwife/doctor and possible hospital your intended wishes with you placenta. Once you have your placenta with you, please remember to keep it in a fridge/freezer or on ice until encapsulation time in a sealed, clean container. You are allowing me to process/handle your placenta. You have informed me of any conditions that can affect the health of your placenta, or the health and safety of anyone involved with it's preparation. I reserve the right to refuse services depending on the situation. I do prepare the placenta in my own home, in a dedicated placenta kitchen which I prepare very carefully, following all BBP suggestions for increased safety of all involved, including my family and yours.
You understand, that I am a private contractor, if for any reason I cannot fulfill my side of the arrangement, I will contact another service provider on your behalf, or suggest another service provider to you. If in the unlikely event that I have 2 clients on the same day, you will be notified at time of contact and may be asked to keep your placenta in the fridge/freezer, it will be first come, first serve, and I will process in a timely manner. Processing can take 3-5 days depending on services requested, and how busy I may be. As we all know, baby's come when they come :)
Non refundable deposit is to be paid within 48 hours of booking service. Remainder is to be paid at time of placenta pick up, prior to my starting service.
You also understand that I am interested in placenta research and may take photos of your placenta for this purpose. Pictures may be used in public format, names will not be disclosed.
*Our services and information provided have not been evaluated by the FDA/HC/FTC. SuperMomma Doula makes no claims of benefit or medical treatment. Articles posted to our site are intended as educational only. The information on this site and any services provided are not clinical, pharmaceutical, or intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition. Those who choose to utilize these services take full responsibility for their own health.