Each application must be submitted with the full details of two referees. A referee must be independent of you/your group, but able to comment with experience and expertise on the activities, successes, and challenges your group faces. Your referee cannot be a funder, employee, volunteer, founder, or trustee in your group. Their email address should be an oranisational one (e.g. @greenpeace.org), and not a private email address (e.g. @gmail.com, @yahoo.co.uk). They also cannot be financially dependent on your group or know you only because of providing funding. However, providing referees from groups working in a similar field who have a good vision of your work, is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate how connected your group is to the wider community.
If your group is not based in the UK, at least one of your referees must be an international NGO. Examples of international NGOs include - International Rivers, Amazon Watch, Friends of the Earth International (including member groups), Indigenous Environmental Network, Rainforest Foundation, Survival International, War on Want, Global Justice Now, Oil Watch, World Society for the Protection of Animals, International Animal Rescue, Humane Society International.