I understand, recognize, and acknowledge that participating in any sport or physical activity can be dangerous and can involve many risks of serious injury and/or death. I understand that the dangers and risks include, but are not limited to, serious neck and spinal injuries which may result in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage, serious injury to internal organs, bones, and other parts of the skeletal/muscular system, and other serious physical and other injuries. I understand that the dangers and risks also include other impairment of health and well-being, including impairment affecting the future ability to earn a living, engage in educational, occupational, social, and recreational activities, and generally enjoy life. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to understand and obey instructions and rules for any sport or other physical activity or use of equipment, and to seek help from the coaching, athletic training, and other staff if I have questions. I understand that, notwithstanding precautions taken by Montverde Academy however, there are risks of serious injury and/or death. I am voluntarily participating in sports and other physical activities and using equipment while at Montverde Academy with knowledge of the dangers and risks involved. I hereby assume and accept any and all risks associated with my participation in sports or other physical activities at Montverde Academy (whether at Montverde Academy's athletic facilities or elsewhere).In consideration of being presented an opportunity to participate in sports and other physical activities at Montverde Academy and to use associated equipment, I (on behalf of myself or dependents and assigns) do hereby release, hold harmless, and forever dischargeand agree not to sue Trustees of Montverde Academy and its trustees, officers, agents, volunteers and employees from and for any and all claims, responsibilities, liabilities, demands, damages and causes of action of any nature whatsoever for, on account of, or by reason of my participation in sports or other physical activities at Montverde Academy (whether at Montverde Academy athletic facilities or elsewhere), whether or not caused by the ordinary negligence of Montverde Academy.I have read and understand this document, and I voluntarily agree to be bound by it.