Thank you for your interest in joining our WhatsApp group. We can't wait to welcome you!
The WE MCR WhatsApp group is for women only. It is for women who want to participate in WE MCR discussions and events and experience support from a community of other amazing women. This is a safe space where we are kind and courteous and share content that is inspirational and supportive. We do not allow any hate speech, bullying or self-promotion of any kind such as advertising a business, group, service or spam.
The purpose of this form is to familiarise you with our code of conduct. We would be grateful if you can please confirm your agreement with the following.
The information in this form will be kept confidential. Only your phone number and your preferred name (question 7) will be shared in the WhatsApp group. The remainder of your personal information will only be used for safeguarding purposes. For example, we will use this information to address unlawful or dangerous conduct in order to keep the group safe.
Finally, we have created the WE MCR WhatsApp community to manage the level of communication as some of our women have limited capacity for ongoing communications. This means that, once you are added to the group, you will be added to the WE MCR community and you will be able to add yourself to other groups within the entity. You can also mute all groups and the announcements so that you are not inconvenienced.