Specific to adults with addictive disease issues, Addictive Diseases Support Services (ADSS) consist of substance abuse recovery services and supports which build on the strengths and resilience of the individual and are necessary to assist the person in achieving recovery and wellness goals as identified in the Individualized Recovery Plan. The service activities include: Assistance to the person and other identified recovery partners in the facilitation and coordination of the Individual Recovery Plan (IRP) including the use of motivational interviewing and other skills support to promote the person’s self-articulation of personal goals and objectives; Relapse Prevention Planning to assist the person in managing and/or preventing crisis and relapse situations with the understanding that when individuals do experience relapse, this support service can help minimize the negative effects through timely re-engagement/intervention and, where appropriate timely connection to other treatment supports.
The Behavioral Health Assessment process consists of a face-to-face comprehensive clinical assessment with the individual, which must include the individual’s perspective as a full partner and should include family/responsible caregiver(s) and others significant in the individual’s life as well as collateral agencies/treatment providers.
The purpose of the Behavioral Health Assessment process is to gather all information needed in to determine the individual's problems, symptoms, strengths, needs, abilities, resources and preferences, to develop a social (extent of natural supports and community integration) and medical history, to determine functional level and degree of ability versus disability, if necessary, to assess trauma history and status, and to engage with collateral contacts for other assessment information. An age-sensitive suicide risk assessment shall also be completed. The information gathered should support the determination of a differential diagnosis and assist in screening for/ruling-out potential co-occurring disorders.
Case Management services consist of providing environmental support and care coordination considered essential to assist the individual with improving his/her functioning, gaining access to necessary services, and creating an environment that promotes recovery as identified in his/her Individual Recovery Plan (IRP). The focus of interventions include assisting the individual with:
- developing natural supports to promote community integration;
- identifying service needs;
- referring and linking to services and resources identified through the service planning process;
- coordinating services identified on the IRP to maximize service integration and minimize service gaps; and
- ensuring continued adequacy of the IRP to meet his/her ongoing and changing needs.
COMMUNITY SUPPORT-INDIVIDUAL (Individual & Adolescent Only)
Community Support services consist of rehabilitative, environmental support and resources coordination considered essential to assist a youth/family in gaining access to necessary services and in creating environments that promote resiliency and support the emotional and functional growth and development of the youth.
The service activities of Community Support include:
- Assistance to the youth and family/responsible caregivers in the facilitation and coordination of the Individual Resiliency Plan (IRP) including providing skills support in the youth/family’s self-articulation of personal goals and objectives;
- Planning in a proactive manner to assist the youth/family in managing or preventing crisis situations;
Services directed toward the support of an individual who is experiencing an abrupt and substantial change in behavior which is usually associated with a precipitating situation and which is in the direction of severe impairment of functioning or a marked increase in personal distress. Crisis Intervention is designed to prevent out of home placement or hospitalization.
Psychiatric diagnostic interview examination includes a history; mental status exam; evaluation and assessment of physiological phenomena (including co-morbidity between behavioral and physical health care issues); psychiatric diagnostic evaluation (including assessing for co-occurring disorders and the development of a differential diagnosis);screening and/or assessment of any withdrawal symptoms for youth with substance related diagnoses; assessment of the appropriateness of initiating or continuing services; and a disposition.
- Family Counseling
A counseling service shown to be successful with identified family populations, diagnoses and service needs. Services are directed toward achievement of specific goals defined by the individual youth and by the parent(s)/responsible caregiver(s) and specified in the Individualized Resiliency Plan (Note: Although interventions may involve the family, the focus or primary beneficiary of intervention must always be the individual consumer). Family counseling provides systematic interactions between the identified individual consumer, staff and the individual's family members directed toward the restoration, development, enhancement or maintenance of functioning of the identified consumer/family unit.
- Family Training
Family training provides systematic interactions between the identified individual consumer, staff and the individual's family members directed toward the restoration, development, enhancement or maintenance of functioning of the identified consumer/family unit. This may include support of the family, as well as training and specific activities to enhance family roles; relationships, communication and functioning that promote the resiliency of the individual/family unit.
- Group Counseling
A therapeutic intervention or counseling service shown to be successful with identified populations, diagnoses and service needs. Services are directed toward achievement of specific goals defined by the youth and by the parent(s)/responsible caregiver(s) and specified in the Individualized Resiliency Plan. Services may address goals/issues such as promoting resiliency, and the restoration, development, enhancement or maintenance.
A therapeutic intervention or counseling service shown to be successful with identified youth populations, diagnoses and service needs, provided by a qualified clinician.
Techniques employed involve the principles, methods and procedures of counseling that assist the youth in identifying and resolving personal, social, vocational, intrapersonal and interpersonal concerns. Services are directed toward achievement of specific goals defined by the youth and by the parent(s)/responsible caregiver(s) and specified in the Individualized Resiliency Plan. These services address goals/issues such as promoting resiliency, and the restoration, development, enhancement or maintenance
As reimbursed through this service, medication administration includes the act of introducing a drug (any chemical substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function) into the body of another person by any number of routes including, but not limited to the following: oral, nasal, inhalant, intramuscular injection, intravenous, topical, suppository or intraocular
This service requires face-to-face contact with the youth/family/caregiver to monitor, evaluate, assess, and/or carry out a physician’s orders regarding the psychological and/or physical problems and general wellness of the youth.
The provision of specialized medical and/or psychiatric services that include, but are not limited to:
- Psychotherapeutic services with medical evaluation and management including evaluation and assessment of physiological phenomena (including comorbidity between behavioral and physical health care issues);
- Assessment and monitoring of an youth's status in relation to treatment with medication.
Psychological testing consists of a face-to-face assessment of emotional functioning, personality, cognitive functioning (e.g. thinking, attention, memory) or intellectual abilities using an objective and standardized tool that has uniform procedures for administration and scoring and utilizes normative data upon which interpretation of results is based.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation-Individual (PSR-I) services consist of rehabilitative skills building, the personal development of environmental and recovery supports considered essential in improving a person’s functioning, learning skills to promote the person’s self-access to necessary services and in creating environments that promote recovery and support the emotional and functional improvement of the individual.
Youth/Families access this service when it has been determined through an initial screening that the youth has mental health or addictive disease concerns. The Individualized Recovery/Resiliency Plan (IRP) results from the Diagnostic and Behavioral Health Assessments and is required within the first 30 days of service, with ongoing plans completed as demanded by individual consumer need and/or by service policy.
A service intended to improve family functioning by clinically stabilizing the living arrangement, promoting reunification or preventing the utilization of out of home therapeutic venues (i.e. psychiatric hospital, therapeutic foster care, psychiatric residential treatment facilities, or therapeutic residential intervention services) for the identified youth. Services are delivered utilizing a team approach and are provided primarily to youth in their living arrangement and within the family system.