MassCEC is seeking applicants for its BETA: Project Planning pilot who are committed to decarbonizing their commercial or large multi-family buildings through an "all at once" or an "over time" approach. Participants should plan to at a minimum receive a decarbonization assessment and work with the pilot's consultant to create a plan to fully decarbonize their project site by 2050.
We plan to select a diverse cohort of around 15 buildings for this pilot. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the cohort has been selected. To apply, please complete this application form. Applications will be competitively evaluated based on the selection criteria in Section 4.3 of the Program Manual. Early applicants will be prioritized by those that meet the building typology diversity goals of the pilot. If funding remains, and/or if MassCEC is approved for additional funding, MassCEC will announce future deadlines for application submissions.
For more information about BETA: Project Planning, please visit the pilot webpage. Questions concerning the pilot can be submitted by email to All inquiries should reference "BETA: Project Planning".
Note: If your building has multiple owners, please only submit one application for the building. If you have multiple buildings that you would like to be considered for this pilot, please submit one application per building. MassCEC will likely only select one building per owner to participate in the pilot. For the purposes of the application, the applicant will be considered the main point of contact for the pilot.