- The Solid Waste Hardship Affordability Credit Program is an assistance program that helps eligible homeowners pay their annual Solid Waste Disposal and Collection Assessment.
- The Stormwater Hardship Exemption exempts the property owner from the Stormwater Assessment.
Assistance is provided to qualifying residents of Hillsborough County for as long as program funds are available.
Eligible homeowners must submit all required supporting documentation, and meet all criteria listed below:
- The property must be a single-family residence, which is owner-occupied and with a homestead exemption.
- The total income of all residents within the household, including owners of the property, must be at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level as determined each year by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- The property must have a taxable value of less than $100,000 after exemptions.
To see if you qualify, review your tax bill at https://hillsborough.county-taxes.com/public
If eligible, applicants will receive an approval letter and the Stormwater Management Assessment will be paid under the Hardship Exemption on the next Tax Bill and/or a portion of the Solid Waste Management Disposal and/or Collection Assessment will be paid under the Hardship Program on the next Tax Bill.
Applicants must be approved prior to August 31 to be included in the following year’s Hardship Exemption. Residents must reapply every year.
Please have all information ready to be uploaded before starting this application process.
1. Identification (Current, valid Photo ID) for all members of the household - Approved verification types are listed below:
• Driver’s license or State ID
• Immigration verification (green card)
• Military Photo ID; VA Identification card with DD214
• Passport; Certificate of Naturalization
• Permanent Resident Verification or Employment Authorization Card
• Driver’s License or State ID
• Immigration verification (green card)
• Birth certificate
• Immunization records, with government seal or letterhead
• Passport
• Certificate of Naturalization
• Permanent Resident Verification
• Employment Authorization Card
2. Social Security Number Verification for all members of household - approved verification types are listed below:
• U.S. Social Security Administration document (ex: SS card)
• Official document (on letterhead) from: Florida Department of Children and Families, U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs or U.S. Internal Revenue Service
3. Verification of Annual Income:
• Both pages of the previous years tax return
• OR Households that ONLY have a fixed Social Security income may upload their Social Security award letter or government issued printout. The monthly benefit will be annualized and used for income eligibility
If you have any questions or need assistance filling out this form, please contact 813-272-5680.