4926 Pearson Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19114
Meet Directors : Michele Granja, Dan Campos
Questions : michele.s.warhurst@gmail.com
Weigh-ins begin at 9am, Lifting begins at 11am.
Coaches will pay $25 cash at the door (one coach per athlete)
Spectators will pay $20 cash at the door
This meet is capped at 30 lifters. Registration closes upon it selling out which can happen very early and there are no waitlists.
Any MX or Para lifters, please email Michele.
Medals for this meet are given to the Top 3 Men and Top 3 Women based on DOTS RAW FULL POWERLIFTING only. There will be no medals given for individual age categories, or Bench Only, Deadlift Only or Push/Pull but all stats and records will be recorded and retained in the lifting database. Lifters whose memberships are registered as Junior, Masters, etc will still earn qualifying totals and records in those age divisions but everyone is registered as OPEN based on how the awards are handled.
This is a RAW Powerlifting meet only.