____ All floors are swept and mopped. Use the cleaner provided to you by MLCL. Cleaners are located under the kitchen sink.
____ All carpeted areas are vacuumed.
____ Wash any dishes as required. Must also dry and put away. (Please bring your own tea towels)
____ Wash down all countertops (cupboard door if required).
____ Walls are clear of visible marks, sticky-tack, painter’s tape or string.
____ Tables are washed and stored in designated area.
____ Chairs are stacked (8 high) and stored in designated area.
____ Food, beverages and containers removed.
____ Bar area is clean.
____ Bathroom floors are clean. Garbage is emptied.
____ All Garbage containers empty. New bags are put in. (Key to garbage bin is in the kitchen)
____ Outside premises clean and free of litter.
____ All decorations have been removed.
We ask that you return the hall back to the condition you received it.
Cleaning Supplies:
Some cleaning supplies are provided and should be used to restore the hall to its original condition.
- Mr. Clean for floors
- Dish soap for dishes
- Hand soap
- Paper towel
- Garbage bags
- Brooms/mops
Please Bring:
Failure to comply with the MLCL Guidelines, Rules & Regulations and Cleaning Checklist will result in the RENTER forfeiting a portion or ALL of the Damage Deposit as determined by the MLCL Executives.
Cleaning Fee is $150 per hour.