your materials / tus materiales
•Open Link to a file in ZIP format with the following documents:
1. A good resolution photography of your self for program. (otherone)
2. Signed consent letter in the registration form letter of consent.(Dawnload here)
3. A copy of the piece in WAV or AIFF
uncompressed audio files 16/24bit at 44.1/48kHz sampling rate
for multichannel works include a stereo or binaural version of the piece
for multichannel works submit the audio files in a separate folder along with spatial information on a separate document
For images, tiff and jpg will be accepted at 300 dpi resolution with an approximate size of 100 x 70 cm.
4. A copy of the piece in stereo .mp3 format (For audio only)
Please provide a valid permanent link to your work using a file hosting service like Dropbox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive, etc.
Upload one single .zip file
Submission materials must be included within a single zip, such as audio files (include a stereo reduction or binaural for multichannel works), video files, musical score of the work in .pdf, etc. Make sure the link will remain active until september 30, 2025.
If the documentation is not complete it will not be taken into account.
• Al participar con su trabajo en la Exposición, el compositor otorga su consentimiento, derechos y autorización para reproducir y transmitir su trabajo, eximiendo a MUSLAB de cualquier pago o responsabilidad con las asociaciones o entidades de derechos de autor, y otorga el permiso para transmitir su trabajo en conciertos, actividades y transmisiones de radio o actividades que desarrolle MUSLAB.
• Todos los trabajos grabados con una compañía discográfica deben tener una carta que indique este hecho, así como el permiso del sello discográfico para que puedan ser transmitidos y publicados dentro de la Exposición Internacional de Música Electroacústica, MUSLAB.
• By participating with his work in MUSLAB, the composer grants his consent, rights and authorization to reproduce and transmit his work, exempting MUSLAB from any payment or responsibility with associations or copyright entities, and grants permission to transmit his work in concerts, activities and radio broadcasts or activities developed by MUSLAB.
• All works recorded with a record company must have a letter indicating this fact, as well as the permission of the record label so that they can be transmitted and published within the International Exhibition of Electroacoustic Music, MUSLAB.