By my signature below I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the following statements:
- I understand and agree that a properly trained service dog does not act aggressively by biting, barking at, jumping on, lunging at, or injuring people or other animals. It also does not urinate or defecate inside buildings or houses.
- I understand and agree that My Service Dog's Place has my permission to contact and utilize any veterinarian and their veterinary care/medical services that they deem necessary for the safety and wellbeing of my service dog.
- I understand and agree that My Service Dog's Place is taking care of/pet setting my service dog at no cost to me while I get the medical attention I need. Due to this, it is my responsiblity to pick up my service dog or make arrangements to have my service dog picked up for me within 48 hours of the end date provided above unless I, or my Case Worker/Contact Person has, on my behalf, requested to extend the end date due to my medical care being extended. Additionally, I understand and agree that if I need to have the end date extended, it must be requested by phone by calling MSDP at 813-997-4050 or 813-321-0880 ext # 5 AND by filling out request for extension date form located on our My Service Dog's Place program page on our website at:
- I understand and agree that if I fail to pick up my service dog or have my service dog picked up on my behalf within 48 hours of the end date provided above or by the end date that has been extended on my behalf (by phone call and by submitting an end date extention form), that it will be considered an owner surrender of my service dog and that My Service Dog's Place has my permission to rehome my service dog.
*Note: If handler is unable to fill out this form then the Case Worker/Contact Person listed on this form will sign on behalf of the handler. Additionally they will make sure that the handler is given a copy of this form.