Dear Member,
We are working on a project around EHCP and CSPs. This will produce personas of good practice for each of the stages of education that families can use to discuss and populate their own EHCPs; ultimately producing guidance on what gold-standard ECHPs look like and the key phrases to include to ensure success.
Please submit your EHCP below using the PDF dropbox.
All EHCPs and CSPs will be anonymised by Natasha Craven (Research and Admin Assistant) before being shared internally within the project team.
The questions within the survey give you the opinion to skip if you do not wish to answer them. You can withdraw at any time without giving a reason and with no adverse consequences. If you do decide to withdraw your data after completing the survey, any unprocessed data relating to you and the individual with SMS will be destroyed.
If you have any questions about the purpose of this project or the procedure we will be following when handling the data, please direct your queries to:
Natasha Craven
Research and Administrative Assistant
The Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) Foundation UK
Mob: 07748 708 788
Nigel Over
Chief Executive Officer
The Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) Foundation UK
12 Bankton Brae, Murieston, Livingston, EH54 9LA
Tel: 01506 429970 Mob: 07803 605739
Registered UK Charity 1186647 | Registered Scottish Charity SCIO SC050921