Communication Guidelines:
All reporters or media representatives who solicit NNWR information, on- or off-the-record, are to be directed to Permit Holder or Member of the Board.
NNWR permit holders and volunteers have access to rehab areas not open to the public and are permitted to take images or videos of animals in these areas. These may be used for non-commercial, personal use, providing they do not defame NNWR, and are in accordance with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the Ohio Division of Wildlife.
Discussion of internal NNWR business or any confidential or sensitive issues is prohibited at all times, including print or electronic media. This includes but is not limited to animal births or deaths, illnesses, finance, personnel, donation details, and husbandry issues. Even well-meaning comments/communication can inadvertently cause damage to NNWR if taken out of context. Do not use racial or other slurs, personal insults, obscenity, threats, or engage in any conduct that would not be acceptable in the workplace. We are a non-profit organization and our reputation is always of foremost importance.
NNWR logos may not be used without consent from a member of the Board.