Maritime Request for Inquiry Form
This form serves as a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) for community partners and businesses working in the maritime industry. This process will help Northwest Oregon Works (NOW) understand the scope of proposed projects. This inquiry also helps ensure that resources are invested equitably within the 5-county region; Columbia, Clatsop, Tillamook Lincoln and Benton counties.
Granted support requests, in part or whole, will be determined by several factors, including allowable uses of funds by our current maritime grant programs, amount of funding available, as well as geographic location and number of participants to be served.
Name of Organization or Business:
Please describe your organization/business.
Point of Contact for program:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number:
Please enter a valid phone number.
Which county or counties does the buisness/organization serves (please check all that apply):
Which priority populations does your business/organization serve? Check all that apply.
Communities of color
Low income communities
Rural and frontier communities
Persons with disabilities
Incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals
Members of Oregon's nine federally recognized Indian tribes
Individuals who disproportionately experience discrimination in employment on the basis of age
Individuals who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community
Please describe the scope of your project.
How many participants will this project serve?
Please describe the expected outcomes from this project (e.g. industry recognized credential, job placement, upskill workforce, job readiness skills, ect.).
Will this project result in job placement and/or creation?
Please explain in detail your requested amount of money and what it will pay for. If you have a budget outline, please include it here or upload it below.
File Upload:
Browse Files
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Does this funding request tie directly into the maritime industry? Please explain.
The program has to be completed by June 30, 2025. Can you meet this deadline or provide sustainable funding for the completion of the program?
One requirement of awarded funds is gathering of data for our grand reporting. For this we use an excel spreadsheet. Please indicate that you can commit to this reporting requirement by checking the box below.
Yes, I will commit to providing the necessary grant reporting information before quarterly deadline(s) provides.
No, I cannot commit to providing the necessary grant reporting information, or cannot commit to doing so by deadline(s).
Please type your full name as a signature attesting that you are the appropriate representative for your organization or program, and that the above information is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
NOW reserves the right to request modifications to a funding request or deny the funding request based on internal review process.
Should be Empty: