Please complete this form if you are intersted in learning more about the Septic System Remediation Program and to request an application packet.
This program is funded by the Arkansas Department of Agriculture's Natural Resource Commission with the purpose of improving and protecting water quality in the Beaver Reservoir and Buffalo River Watersheds by remediating failing septic systems. Project eligiblity is based on location (address of site must be within the Beaver Reservoir Watershed or the Buffalo River Watershed). Use the Find My Watershed Tool to locate the watershed for your home address, or email for assistance.

Financial assistance is available to homeowners, up to a total project cost of $30,000, in the form of a grant (no repayment required) and zero-interest loan payable over up to 10 years. Grant and loan amounts (shown as a percentage of total project cost) are determined by household income based on the following tiers:

This form is not the application, this is for pre-screening purposes. Once this form is completed, the Program Manager will reach out to you with next steps.