Hello there!
This is our registration form for PAS | Online Tutoring with BBB Johannes Deimling. We are happy about your interest in PAS | Performance Art Studies. In case you have any questions, let us know via email: pas@bbbjohannesdeimling.de. More information on our website: performanceartstudies.com
Start here
Let's start with something simple.
Please fill in your name and email.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Repeat your email to avoid typos.
Phone Number (optional, for easier contact via WhatsApp / Telegram etc.)
Country Code
Phone Number
How many sessions of tutoring you are interested in?
Each session costs between 200€ - 220€.
1 tutoring session
3 session set
5 session set
When would you like to receive tutoring? There is no need to give exact dates if you do not have it specified.
Tell us what outcome do you expect from tutoring.
Please, describe SHORTLY your project, ideas or anything with which you would like professional support from Johannes. You will have time to explain it in details later on.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
What are your interests and connections to the arts? Are you an artist, an educator? Perhaps you have a website / works you would like to share.
Terms & Conditions
In case you will be taking part in the program, please, confirm that you accept our Terms & Conditions and that we can contact you regarding the registration.
PAS | Newsletter
Would you like to receive our bi-monthly / monthly newsletter? We call it a PAS | Fanzine that includes: monthly news from PAS and our community, inspiration dose with a proposed artist to research, links to interesting articles, podcasts etc. as well as a PAS | Performance Task. All of it around performance art and visual arts.
Add me to the list, please.
No thank you / I'm already subscribed.
And finally, would you mind telling us how you heard about PAS | Tutoring?
I got to know about PAS from:
Sponsored Ads on FB or Instagram
A friend
Should be Empty: