Please ensure that you carry out your preffered method of payment after submitting this form. If we have not recieved payment from you within 5 days of receving your membership form you will not receive a confirmation email to confirm that your membership has been processed.
I am satisfied with the information I have provided on this form; I understand that it will be processed, and that I will become a member of Wick Players. I understand that the details provided on this form may be held by Wick Players digitally and on paper solely for the purpose of administering membership, correspondence and the club newsletter. My details will not be passed on to any third parties and I give permission for the Company Secretary and other members of the Wick Players board of directors to contact me with matters concerning the organisation. I also understand that as a member of Wick Players, I agree to abide by the club's Code of Conduct. I understand that should I take on any positions within the club, such as board roles or non-board roles, then my name, contact number, email, home address and role title will be added to the club’s contact list which is provided to all current members and supporting local organisations.