Prairie College's Student Dorms
To stay in the Student Dorm rooms, there will a cost of $29.43/night for one-person per room or $58.86/night for two-people per room (prices include linens, GST and AB Tourism fee).
Linens are pillow, fitted and flat sheets, 2 warm blankets, 3-towel bundle (bath towel, hand towel and face cloth), and a small complimentary bar of soap.
The dorm rooms are two twin beds and couples are welcome to reserve a double occupancy of a room. Washrooms will be marked by gender signs so that shower rooms are not shared.
Please note there is no elevator in the dorms, so please indicate if you need a lower floor in the comment section below.
As we arrange rooms and details, we will be in contact with you no later than August 1st.
If you cannot make it to the reunion, please notify us at your earliest convienence.
Thank you!