We provide food parcels for people in Pukete, Saint Andrews, Flagstaff and nearby suburbs. If you're outside those areas, please approach the foodbank agent closest to you - Hamilton Foodbanks. We are located at 43 Church Road, Pukete. For directions please call us on 0800 849 1115.
Hamilton Combined Christian Foodbank requirements:
1 - We offer emergency food parcels. A letter from Work and Income NZ stating that you are not eligible for food assistance is necessary to access the food bank (this letter can be obtained from your local Work and Income office and needs to be dated within the last 7 days). To check food grant entitlement contact Work and Income on 0800 559 009 or More info about MSD food support here: Urgent costs - Food
2 - After your third request, please register with a budgeting service.
This application needs to be processed by our team and does not instantly guarantee food support. Our team will contact you - please keep your phone with you.
Food bank operates Tuesday to Friday, however due to staff commitments, we do not guarantee when this application will be processed.
Privacy Policy:
Our privacy policy is available to read online. By submitting this request you are consenting to have your information shared with the Hamilton Combined Christian Foodbank, and the associated foodbank agencies.