We send you info and updates in a variety of ways directly via email and want to ensure we are getting our information to the right person from your organisation. We are also very mindful to not overland you with emails. We have several email distribution lists – can you please tick which one/s you want for each person.
RCCIWA Newsletter – sent fortnightly via Mailchimp to your inbox. This is for all RCCIWA members and broader stakeholders.
RCCIWA All Member Email – this is an email to all member representatives of your choosing, elected and employed. This distribution list is not used very often perhaps 6 to 10 times per year. It is mainly for information about our Forum, AGM or SGM notices and other member wide information or requests, where appropriate.
RCCIWA Member Operations Email - this is the distribution list we use the most often and could be an email once per week. Typically, it is sent to the CEO or EO or your main point of contact for correspondence. This is also the email we use for calendar invite to our monthly online members meeting. For those without employees it could be your President or your Secretary. This usually is sent to 1 or 2 people from your organisation, however if you want it sent to more that is fine.
RCCIWA Awards Email – as we now stage an annual WA Regional Business Excellence Awards this email is for specific information about the awards program you host related to being involved in our Awards. We expect this email would go to your CEO/EO and your events or membership person or contracted event organiser if you have one.
RCCIWA Accounts Email - many of our members have a specific accounts email. This will only be used for our annual membership invoice and any other specific accounts emails we may need to send. We expect this would go to your accounts person or your Treasurer.