I acknowledge receiving the animal(s) described and agree to provide foster care for the animal(s) including food, water, and shelter, and to administer supplied medications as required.
I understand that in the event of a natural disaster such as a hurricane or other event I will be responsible for my foster pet during an evacuation and will provide him/her a safe place during the evacuation. If I am unable to do so I will contact Pumpkin's Rescue Club as soon as possible.
I understand that I must arrange for any veterinary care services through Pumpkin's Rescue Club in advance should the need arise. I acknowledge that Pumpkin's Rescue Club will not reimburse me for veterinary services that were not explicitly authorized through Pumpkin's Rescue Club.
I understand that the animal(s) remain the sole property of Pumpkin's Rescue Club and I agree to return the animal(s) to Pumpkin's Rescue Club upon request.
I acknowledge that I do not have any right or authority to keep or place foster animals in other homes without approval from Pumpkin's Rescue Club.
Should I decide to adopt the animal, I understand that I must notify Pumpkin's Rescue Club of this intent, submit an application for approval, and pay the applicable adoption fee. Animals remain the property of Pumpkin's Rescue Club until the formal adoption process has been completed.
I understand that I am fostering a stray or abandoned animal and therefore, Pumpkin's Rescue Club cannot guarantee the animal’s temperament or health. Despite health screenings, the possibility exists that an animal could be harboring illness or parasites that could be transmitted to other pets.
I understand that due to the above statement, a minimum of 14 DAYS OF QUARANTINE is required. Animals wil be kept apart from other animals during this time even if they have been tested and vaccinated.
I understand that socializiation and human interaction is one of the greatest benefits of fostering. Many animals are only able to be adopted after proper socialization. You agree to socialize this animal to the best of your abilities by giving your time and attention to the cat/dog.
I expressly release Pumpkin's Rescue Club from any liability and any damages arising out of this foster care arrangement.