Thank you for your interest in partnering with Rolling Greens! Please complete the form below, and we’ll reach out if it’s a good fit.
ACKNOWLEDGE TO CONTINUE: Rolling Greens currently cannot offer design services (landscaping, plantscaping, interior design, or holiday installations) in exchange for marketing or promotions. However, retail goods, workshops, and event spaces are available for potential trade. Please check the box below if you understand
Yes, I understand
First Name
Last Name
Where are you located?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please list all applicable URLs on separate lines below—this can include your website, Instagram, Tiktok or YouTube pages, or any other links that represent your work
What's your total following for your largest platform?
Do you following @rollinggreens on Instagram?
I don't have an Instagram account
Have you posted about Rolling Greens before? If so, please include a link
What ideas do you have for collaborating together?
Why do you want to work with Rolling Greens?
List any brands you've partnered with previously or are currently working with
Which store(s) are you interested in partnering with, if applicable?
Beverly Grove
Culver City
Santa Monica
Studio City
What are your expectations in terms of compensation? If interested in trade, please list estimated dollar amount or specific products you'd like in exchange
Anything else we should know?
Should be Empty: