Purpose: The S-Anon Speakers’ Pool gives the organizers of local and regional S-Anon events access to a broad selection of speakers who are willing to speak at retreats, marathons and other S-Anon recovery events. The WSO serves as the clearinghouse of information about S-Anon speakers for event organizers who request it. The WSO does not endorse or recommend anyone from the speakers’ pool; we simply collect the information and provide it to event organizers who request speaker information.
If you have experience, strength, and hope to offer others as a result of working the S-Anon program then we welcome your service.
Instructions: Please read the S-Anon Speaker's Guidlines before completing this form. Once submitted, your information will be shared with S-Anon event organizers who request information about potential speakers. The WSO will reach out every 3 years to verify you are still interested in speaking at S-Anon events.