Question Paper Format
The exam consists of two portions. (1) भाषाविभागः – Language Part" (light blue color buttons) and (2) व्याकरणविभागः – Grammar Part (light yellow color buttons). Please visit the exam evaluation criteria on the DLP Website.
- Examinee must click each button to display the corresponding question.
- Each button shows, within parantheses, max marks are allocated for that question. For example, Q1-अ (3) means that question carries 3 marks.
- Once a button is clicked:
- System displays the actual question.
- System also displays two check boxes (Answered/Skipped). These check boxes are NOT mandatory to be used, but are helpful for the examinee to track whether he/she answered that question or skipped it.
- System also displays the overall status of all the " Questions Answered/Skipped/Not Attemped".
Final Step: DONOT foregt to click the SUBMIT - I am done button. Without this submission, your exam cannot be considered as complete.