Adoption Application
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Are you interested in a specific animal? Please provide it's name or a brief description:
Why are you interested in adopting this particular animal?
Please describe the type/breed/age of animal and any other specifics you are searching for:
If you are adopting a cat or kitten do you plan to declaw the animal?
Not adopting a cat/kitten
Please list the ages of yourself and everyone who lives in your home:
Do you own or rent?
Please provide the name and phone number of your landlord:
Do you own any pets now?
Please list the Name, Species, Breed, Age, and Sex of any animal you own now or have owned in the past 5 years.
Please list the Name, Species, Breed, Age, and Sex of any animal you own now or have owned in the past 5 years.
Please list the Name, Species, Breed, Age, and Sex of any animal you own now or have owned in the past 5 years.
Please list the Name, Species, Breed, Age, and Sex of any animal you own now or have owned in the past 5 years.
VETERINARIAN INFORMATION: **Please provide the full name, address and phone number to the veterinarian you use now or any you have used for your pets in the past.
By adding your signature to this form you authorize your Veterinary clinic to provide all records pertaining to your past and present animals to the St. John the Baptist Parish Animal Shelter.
Are there any other animals in the home that do not belong to you? Please list all animals and who they belong to.
Will the pet you are adopting be an indoor or an outdoor pet? Please select that answer that is most accurate:
Indoor Only
Outdoor Only
Indoor mostly, Outdoor to play/potty
Indoor but will be outdoors while I am away from home
Indoor but will be outdoors while I am home to supervise
Is there an area of your yard that is fully fenced?
What type of fence material encloses your yard?
Picket Fence
Chain Link Fencing
Privacy or Wood Fencing
Iron Fencing
What height is your fence?
Approximately 4 ft
6 ft or higher
How long will you allow your pet to adjust to your home?
A day or two
One week
A few weeks
A Month
Several months or longer
If your pet develops behavioral or training issues will you seek out training for him or her?
Are there any behaviors or habits that you would not be able to tolerate? If the animal displays those habits or behaviors how long would you be willing to work with him or her to rectify the issues? Please be specific
How many hours per day or night will your adopted pet be alone without a human present?
Have you ever sold, rehomed, or surrendered a pet in the past? If so please explain when and why:
Your signature authorizes your Veterinary clinic to provide all records pertaining to your past and present animals to the St. John the Baptist Parish Animal Shelter. Your signature also certifies that all of the above answers and information is truthful.
Will this animal intended to be a gift for someone other than yourself?
Should be Empty: