Parents are invoiced termly in advance of the start of term and all fees are payable, in full, within the first two weeks from date of invoice. Failure to comply by this date will mean any discounts are lost. If fees are not received by the 4th week then your child/children will not be able to attend until payment weekly late fee of £10 will occur.
Upon return of this Registration Form half of one terms notice in writing or a half term's fees in lieu of notice is required in the event of a withdrawal from the school or stopping classes. Enrolment at SSPA indicates acceptance of our terms and conditions, which can be found in our handbook via our website. This also shows our Covid-19 policies which states in the event class cancellations/partial closure these classes will move to zoom and no refunds will be given.
We will contact you via email with any SSPA information. Your details will not be passed on to third parties with the exception of Surrey County Council when the children perform in our Annual show.
Official photography and video footage may be taken for SSPA marketing purposes only. If you have any objection to photography or video footage being reproduced for these purposes then please state below