{sponsorOrganization} ("Sponsor"), represented by {name31}, agrees to provide financial sponsorship for the 2025 Salisbury PRIDE Celebration on Saturday, June 28, 2025. As a sponsor, I understand I will receive the applicable sponsorship opportunities described in this agreement.
I further understand that these opportunities will not be valid until this agreement is signed and my check or online payment at www.salisburypride.org has been issued to and accepted by Salisbury Pride, Inc. before June 11, 2025 (May 10, 2025, to be included on commemorative items if applicable). As a sponsor, I agree to provide digital artwork for all promotional advertising to sponsors@salisburypride.com or via digital upload.
Sponsor hereby grants Salisbury PRIDE, Inc. a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to the artwork for use in promotional advertising including, but not limited to, posters; banners; flyers; newsletters; websites; print, online, and email ads; t-shirts; cups and other printed and online materials promoting the Salisbury Pride Celebration as applicable with the sponsorship level selected.