MNB Scotland Spring Craft Market Stallholder Application Form
Fill out the form carefully for application
Our first ever event of 2025 will take place at Leith Arches on May 4 between 10am - 4pm. This is a free entry event and stalls are £55 per stallholder. You will be provided with a 6ft table and chairs. We will select 17 stalls for this event. APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON FEBRUARY 26!
Business Owner Name (essential for invoices)
First Name
Last Name
Small Business Name (Company)
Business Email
Product Type
Please Select
Artwork (digital)
Artwork (print)
Artwork (traditional)
Candles & Wax Melts
Clothing (handmade)
Clothing (upcycled)
Crotchet (clothes & accessories)
Crotchet (decoration)
Crotchet (toys - CE/UKCA certified)
Foodstuff (confectionary; candy, chocolate etc.)
Foodstuff (drinks; kombucha, tea, lemonade etc.)
Foodstuff (ice cream)
Foodstuff (savoury bakery)
Foodstuff (sweet bakery)
Geeky (con style, mixed media)
Home decoration
Jewellery (acrylic)
Jewellery (clay)
Jewellery (silver / gold)
Jewellery (upcycled)
Knitting & Macrame (clothes & accessories)
Knitting & Macrame (decoration)
Leather goods
Metalwork (accessories, décor etc.)
Miniature Art
Other (if selected please detail below)
Paper Crafts
Pottery (earthenware)
Pottery (porcelain)
Pottery (stoneware)
Skincare (body oils, masks, creams etc.)
Soaps & Bath (soaps liquid, foam, bar, bath bombs etc.)
Stitching & Textile
Complete if product type is "Other"
Please describe your product type if it's not described above
Tell us more about your small business and creative process
Please share your preferred social media account
Please share your website (if applicable)
IMPORTANT FOR ALL APPLICATIONS: Please email 4 - 6 product images to with your business name
Submissions without product images will not be considered.
Should be Empty: