Child & Adolescent Intake Form
To be completed by the child's parent/ guardian
Child's Legal Name
First Name
Last Name
Today's Date
Child's Age
Date of Birth
Grade Level
Parent/ Guardian Legal Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/ Guardian Relationship to client:
Parent/ Guardian Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
May we leave a voicemail?
Please Select
Parent/Guardian Email Address (email is non-secure)
Paren/ Guardian Occupation & Employer
Annual Income (for sliding scale purposes if needed).
Emergancy Contact
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Relationship to client
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Client Address
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Phone Number
Postal / Zip Code
Who were you referred by:
Household Composition - Primary Residence (list name, age, and relationship of all living here).
Household Composition - Secondary Residency (if any). Please (list name, age, and relationship of all living here.
Parent's Marital Status
Please Select
Never Married
Married/Civil Union
Separated (please enter date below)
Divorces (please enter date below)
Widowed (please enter date below)
Remarried (please enter date below)
Date of separation, divorced, widowed, or remarried
Adoption Status
Please Select
Yes - Child is aware
Yes - Child is unaware
List of Child's Siblings names and ages (if different from household composition):
Childs' Medical History
Current Medications (List medications, dose, reason, and effectiveness)
List of Surgeries and Dates
List of Hospitalization
List of other Relevant Medical History
Child's Medical History (choose any that apply):
Recurrent Ear Infection/tubes
Eye/Visions Problems
Head Injury/ Concussion
Developmental Delay
Slow Weight Gain
Bowel Problems
Thyroid Disease
Measles, Whooping Cough, Mumps, Scarlet Fever, Pox
Lead/Toxic chemical exposure
Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Palsy or Difficulties Walking
Explain other medical history:
Check any that apply in the past 30 days:
Can't Concentrate or pay attention
Restless or Hyperactive
Talks too much or talks out of turn
Impulsive or acts without thinking
Trouble staying seated
History of sexual abuse
Friendship or relationship problems
LGBTQ concerns
Grief or loss
Nervous ticks or other repetitive movements or noises
Unable to care for hygiene/nutrition/basic needs
Problems staying asleep / nightmares
Cannot fall asleep even though tired
Needs little sleep - rested after 3-4 hours
Must follow rituals or routines
Does not keep eye contact
Does not make friends / is in own world
Does not seek to share interests
Avoids/seems obsessed with certain things
Lack of imaginary / pretend play
Is not affectionate
Fascinated with parts of toys or machines
Makes repetitive sounds/movements
Sensory experiences /issues
Has trouble communicating
Behaves like a younger child
Feels people are 'out to get' him/her
Confused thinking
Sees/hears things that are not real
Makes careless mistakes
Fails to finish things he/she starts
Daydreams or gets lost in thoughts
Inattentive or easily distracted
Difficulty following directions
Police Contact
Angry or resentfully
Argues or does not follow rules
Annoys others purposely
Physical Aggression
Has set fires intentionally
Stealing / Shoplifting
Tantrums or loses temper easily
Lies/blames others for own misbehavior
Cruel to animals
Violates Curfew / has run away
Suspected Alcohol or Drug Use
School Suspensions/Alternative School
Inappropriate Sexual Activity
History of unwanted sexual contact
Bedwetting/soiling self
Has been bullied
Frequent Sadness/irritability
Tearful / Cries easily
Low energy level
Loss of interest in favorite activities
Low self-esteem / Guilt
Dislike of his/her body
Gets feelings hurt easily
Has trouble making or keeping friends
Severe changes in mood
Talks too much/too fast/changes topic quickly
Thought racing
Inflated self-esteem
Difficulty Controlling Emotions
Worries about the safety of self/others
Unusual worries or fears
Panic attacks
Obsessive thoughts
Panics when separated from parent
Unusual behaviors dressing, bathing, mealtime or rituals
Picky eater
Self-injury / Cutting / Burning
Suicidal thoughts/threats / actions
Witness to domestic violence
History of physical abuse
Developmental History
How long was child in the hospital after birth?
Child's weight at birth
Biological mother's age at birth
If adopted, child's age at adoption.
List complications at birth.
Problems experienced by mother during pregnancy.
This child's personality/ temperament age 0-3years
Please Select
Easy going
Slow to warm to others
Demanding/difficult to please
List any missed developmental milestones:
Explain any Mental Health/Dependency Treatment:
Educational History
School Attended
Current Grade Level
Check all that apply:
Child repeated a grade
Child skipped a grade
If child skipped/repeated a grade, what grade and reason?
On average what kind of grades does your child get? (4.0 Scale)
Are you satisfied with your child grades? Please explain
Check Service your child has ever had:
Special Education/ Resource Services
Occupational Therapy
Self-contained Classroom
Speech/ Language Therapy
Tutor of Class Aid
IEP or 504 plan
After-School Help
Check any your child has difficulties with:
Peer Relationship Issues
Spelling Difficulties
Reading Difficulties
All Subject Difficulties
Gifted/Accelerated Classes
Community Linkage
Child sees school counselor/ psychologist?
Please Select
If yes, what is their name?
Is thIs child involved with court/ legal system?
Please Select
If yes, who is the probation officer assigned?
If yes, who is the caseworker assigned?
Has family had involvement with CPS?
Please Select
Hours /day child watches tv/videos or video game?
Hours/day child spends completing homework:
Child's Usual Bedtime?
Child's usual wake up time?
Usual number of hours slept at night?
Describe Child's Special Interests or Hobbies
Describe any job/work history your child has had.
Describe child's strengths, talents, achievements
Check all that apply in the past 6 months:
Change in household conflict
Death in Family
Loss of job
New Job
Change in Living Situation
Trauma / Injury
Serious Injury / Hospitalization
New Baby
Legal Trouble
Change in Military Status
Death of friend or peer
List any other information about the child's history or family history that you would like us to be aware of?
Discuss any family history mental health or addictive disorders. Include the person's relationship to the child.
Should be Empty: